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Returns the optimal number of rows and columns for a bar plot.


nb_axes : Number of axes to plot.


num_rows : Number of rows.

num_cols : Number of columns.

flexible_barplot(df, nb_axes, output, cmap=‘magma’, title=‘Barplot’, xlabel=None, ylabel=None)

Function to generate a bar plot with multiple axes in a publication-ready style.


values : Dataframe with the values to plot. The index represents the x-axis and the columns the y-axis.

num_axes : Number of axes to plot.

output : Output filename.

cmap : Name of the colormap to use. Defaults to “magma”. See

title : Title of the plot.

xlabel : Label for the x-axis.

ylabel : Label for the y-axis.

flexible_hist(df, output, cmap=‘magma’, title=‘Histogram’, xlabel=None, ylabel=None)

Function to generate a single histogram representing the distributions of all the columns within the dataset in a publication-ready style.


df : Dataframe containing the values to plot.

output : Output filename.

cmap : Colormap. Defaults to “magma”. See

title : Title of the plot. Defaults to “Histogram”.

generate_coef_plot(df, pval, coefname, varname, output, cmap=‘magma’)

Function to generate a bar plot with the coefficients and their significance.


df : Dataframe containing the coefficients and their associated variable names.

coefname : Name of the column containing the coefficients.

varname : Name of the column containing the variable names.

output : Output filename.

cmap : Name of the colormap to use. Defaults to “magma”. See