Through PyPI.
It is highly recommended to install neurostatx
into a python virtual
environment. To do so, please follow these steps:
Then, to install through PyPI, simply use pip:
From source (for developpers).
This library uses poetry to manage dependencies. To install it, use pipx with the following command:
To install NeuroStatX and all of its dependencies, run this set of commands:
Restart your terminal. You should now be able to activate the poetry
environment by using: source $NeuroStatXPATH/bin/activate
from anywhere.
Installing Graphviz
Graphviz is an external dependencies required to visualize semplot from the
package used within NeuroStatX. If you do not have Graphviz
installed on your machine, please run the following if you are on Linux
sudo apt get graphviz
or brew install graphviz
if you are on MacOS.
How to cite
For now, until a DOI is available, please cite the github URL: